Saturday, February 9, 2013


It's been 30 days since I sowed the orchid seeds- and one flask has started to show the signs of germination! I'm very happy that the vapor sterilization technique worked! Here is a photo:
This is Phal (Samera x Penang Girl). 

 Here is a photo of my collection's new home, as of Spring 2013.

One of my most recent blooms, Phalaenopsis micholitzii. Very beautiful, waxy bloom. No fragrance sadly, but the texture is gorgeous, and the lip is really fun! This is from aka Norman's Orchids.

My partner and I are going to a local show tomorrow in Asheville to hear Tom Harper from Stones River Orchids give a presentation on Phalaenopsis, and speak about his recent trip to Taiwan. I am very excited, and I hope to learn a lot. I'll take some photos and update with a new post!